Snake Control 101: How To Keep Your Home Safe And Snake-Free In Jacksonville

One of the joys of home ownership is having a lawn. Yes, you must maintain it by mowing the grass and raking the leaves, but having a home surrounded by flowers and lush green grass brings a sense of satisfaction. Nothing is quite as relaxing as sitting on the back deck while sipping a glass of iced tea while watching the sunset.
Taking an evening stroll in the yard or working in the garden is another way to blow off steam until you run upon a snake. Along with snakes in the yard comes anxiety. No one wants to play or work in the grass with slithering creatures. If you have snakes in your yard, you need snake control in Jacksonville from Wildlife and Pest Control Experts.
When Kyle, who has had many years of rodent and pest control experience, joined forces with business expert and long-time friend Chris, Wildlife and Pest Control Experts was born. We are licensed pest control operators, certified residential contractors, and National Pest Management Association (NPMA) members.
You probably found this article because you have snakes in your yard and want them removed quickly. Please keep reading to gain insight into their behavior, what to do if bitten, exclusion ideas, and the process we take to remove them from your property.
Where Do Snakes Hide? Insights Into Their Behavior
Snakes are masters of camouflage that blend into their surroundings. As a result, we often stumble upon them with no warning when walking around the property. To avoid surprises from an unintended snake encounter, you should be alert around rocks, overgrown vegetation, logs, rubbish, abandoned structures, and fallen tree branches. Let's look at why snakes like to hide in these locations.
Snakes are cold-blooded reptiles that do not generate body heat. These ectothermic creatures prefer to burrow into the soil in cool, dark places beneath overgrown vegetation, logs, rubbish, etc. Abandoned buildings like sheds and barns are another favorite hiding spot for snakes; however, they also inhabit undisturbed areas in homes like crawl spaces or inside walls. Snakes often lay on rocks to allow the sun to heat them when their body temperatures fall to an unsafe level.
Snakes hide in dark locations so they can remain unnoticed by their prey. They often conceal themselves in high grasses, bushes, and underneath debris to avoid detection; they also slither into rock crevices to protect them from the elements and predators. As they grow, snakes shed their skin periodically, so although they may stay hidden on your Jacksonville property, one way to identify their presence is discarded skins.
Now that we have identified where snakes hide in yards, fields, etc., let's look at their behavior.
Snakes are not aggressive toward humans. Before they strike, these solitary animals warn people by hissing, rattling (rattlesnakes), or playing dead; they will only bite a person as a last resort. Snakes stay in locations where they find food sources and shelter. If they must leave due to weather changes, they often return later to investigate whether their food supply has returned.
Snakes are carnivores that hunt animals. The black racer, a common non-venomous snake in the Jacksonville area, hides in forests, fields, and residential areas. These snakes have a glossy black 3 to 6-foot body with a white chin and belly. When unsuspecting prey passes by, the black racer strikes and kills its victim. In some cases, it may constrict around its victim to complete the process. Black racers hunt rodents, lizards, and insects; they can climb trees to raid nests for eggs or even catch small birds.
Garter snakesare harmless, non-venomous snakes in our area. They have longitudinal stripes along their 18-inch to 3-foot bodies, are relatively small, and hide near water sources, grassy areas, or gardens. Like black racers, they ambush their prey and strike to subdue them. These snakes hunt frogs, toads, small rodents, insects, earthworms, and sometimes fish. Even if the snakes are non-venomous, no one wants them on their property. Furthermore, snakes may indicate that you have another pest control problem attracting them to your home.
The best way to resolve the issue is to secure snake removal services from
Wildlife and Pest Control Experts. We will not only remove snakes from your home and lawn, but we can determine if something is attracting them to your home.
Treating Snakebites: First Aid Essentials
While there are three venomous snakes in Jacksonville, the Eastern diamondback rattlesnake, cottonmouth or water moccasin, and the Eastern coral snake, they are unlikely to be around your home unless you live in wetland areas, swamps, marshes, or heavily wooded areas. However, if you live in a residential area, you may have an issue with garter or black racer snakes. While these snakes are not aggressive toward humans, they might strike if cornered.
If you receive a snake bite, we recommend the following:
- Stay calm
- Move away from the snake
- Position the affected area below the heart
- Remove tight clothing around the bite area
- Call emergency services
- Restrict movement
- Do not attempt to suck out the venom
When you contact emergency services, try to describe the snake, but if you can't recall what it looks like, do not search for it. When you move away from the snake, do so slowly and steadily, and do not make any quick movements.
Although the movies depict people cutting open the wound area and sucking out the venom, do not do this because the toxin is usually too deep into the tissue. Furthermore, you may introduce bacteria from your mouth to the wound site and cause further complications, especially if there are any cuts in the mouth. The most important thing is to stay calm while awaiting medical help.
If you live in a residential neighborhood, snakes around your home are likely non-venomous; however, you should still seek medical attention if bitten to avoid complications. The best way to avoid being a victim of an attack is to secure pest control for snakes from Wildlife and Pest Control Experts.
Sealing Entry Points: Keeping Snakes Out
Snakes are a necessary part of the ecosystem but do not need to live in our yards. To deter snakes from staying on your Jacksonville property, we recommend the following:
- Remove overgrown vegetation, debris, and junk
- Pick up fallen tree limbs
- Keep the grass cut short
- Relocate wood piles 20 feet from the house and elevate them
- Plant natural deterrents (marigolds, lemongrass, and wormwood)
- Install motion-activated lights
- Place snake-proof fencing around the property
- Seal foundation cracks between incoming pipes and wires
- Apply screens to the crawlspace vents
Rodents, insects, and small reptiles attract snakes. To avoid attracting these pests, close outdoor garbage containers, put compost piles in sealed cans, provide proper drainage to ditches, low-lying areas, and gutters, and pick up animal feces and fallen fruit in the yard.
When a Wildlife and Pest Control Experts tech investigates your property for snake control, we can provide additional insight and exclusion tips for your situation.
Call A Professional Snake Removal Service: The Benefits Of Expertise
There are many benefits to using pest control for snakes from Wildlife and Pest Control Experts. One advantage is you can avoid costly fines. There are protected snake species in Florida; you may pay expensive penalties if you kill a Federal or state-protected species. Our trained techs know the markings and patterns of Jacksonville snakes and can identify the snakes on your property. You protect yourself from potential legal liability when you use our certified services because we know how to handle protected snakes.
Another benefit of partnering with Wildlife and Pest Control Experts is we have the tools to capture them without putting anyone at risk. If we find a snake den on the property, we will destroy it to prevent future infestations. We also have commercial snake repellants that we can apply around the perimeter of your property to keep snakes away.
Another advantage of using pest control for snakes from Wildlife and Pest Control Experts is we can identify the source of the problem on your property. Snakes eat rodents, insects, and small animals. Another pest control issue may be the cause of snakes on your property. Fortunately, we provide pest and wildlife control and can address these problems as needed.
When you see snakes on your property, we will dispatch a trained tech to inspect your location for entry points, attractants, and snake dens. After our investigation, we will discuss our findings and recommendations to end the snake infestation. Upon your approval, we will destroy any snake dens, remove any live snakes, and place repellants in areas of activity to keep them away from the house.
We will identify attractants and provide exclusion ideas to prevent a future re-infestation. If pests or wildlife are causing the snake problem, we will recommend additional services. Contact us today to schedule a free inspection and estimate to get snakes off your property.