Should I Be Worried About Bed Bugs In Jacksonville?

Most people consider bed bugs to be disturbing pests. But should it concern you to have bed bugs in your Jacksonville home? Are bed bugs a danger to your health? Do they quickly spread and get into the belongings of friends and family when they visit? We're going to explore the unique habits of bed bugs and tell you everything you need to know about how these pests get in, how they spread, and whether or not they are cause for concern. But we won't stop there. We'll give you some bed bug control tips to help you deal with these pests if you find them, and explain how to get rid of bed bugs effectively. We'll end by looking at what strategy works best to prevent future infestations once the bugs are gone. As always, remember that you're never alone when it comes to finding pests. We're here to help you. We offer industry-leading pest solutions and advanced bed bug control in Jacksonville. Contact us to get answers to your questions or to schedule a service visit. We can help!
Habits Of Common Bed Bugs
Most Jacksonville residents know that bed bugs are nocturnal, meaning they are active at night and rest during the day. They are attracted to carbon dioxide and heat, which is why they often bite sleeping people. Bed bugs are also attracted to the smell of blood, which is why they may bite you multiple times in a row. If this is the limit of your understanding, you won't have what you need to stop an infestation or prevent one. You also won't know whether or not it should concern you to have these insects hiding in your home and biting you while you sleep. Here are the habits of common bed bugs that relate to how they spread and what works to get control of them before you have to resort to calling local pest control for bed bugs.
When bed bugs get into your home, they will hide close to a food source. Since they eat blood and have a preference for human blood, they'll likely get into a bed or couch at first. If they hide in your bed, family and friends that visit aren't at risk, particularly during the day when bed bugs stay hidden. If you address the infestation quickly, no one needs to worry about these pests spreading to other places.
It can take weeks for bed bugs in Jacksonville to grow a population large enough to spread throughout your home. Heat and moisture play a part in how quickly this will happen. Another factor to consider is objects moving from one room to another. If bed bugs are in one room, you might carry them to another if they're hiding outside your bed. For example, bed bugs commonly get into gym bags because these bags smell like humans. If you have a gym bag under your bed and your kid asks to use it, it could end up in their room, with bed bugs in it. Do you see how it works?
When selling or purchasing used items, bed bugs can spread in the same way. If they're in a piece of furniture and you sell the item, you could sell bed bugs with it. You may also get a bed bug infestation when you purchase used items—even items that are not beds. Always look for black streaks, black fecal spotting, brown stains, shed insect skins, tiny white eggs, and the presence of tiny insects.
When a bed bug population grows large enough, the bugs will spread on their own. They may get into walls and pass between rooms, or pass between apartments or living units. As you can imagine, this is not good. It is far better to deal with bed bugs early because the cost is often significantly lower.
Along with the potential for financial harm, are bed bugs harmful in other ways? Yes. Bed bugs are harmful; but not dangerous. Each bug typically bites three times. That means only a few bugs can cause a lot of wounds. Those wounds itch. When scratched, they can open and become infected. But the infections are minor and easily treated with ointments. The real concern is that bed bugs often cause people to lose sleep, and sleep deprivation can cause low motor function and make driving an automobile a danger. The bugs themselves are not a direct disease threat and the wounds are far less of a threat than mosquito, tick, or flea bites.
One last point to touch on is a question we often get about these pests. "Do bed bugs live outside?" As you decide what to do about these insects, you need to understand two important facts. Repellents don't work to drive bed bugs out of your home because these bugs don't live outside. Repellents only work to drive bed bugs from one room to another or into wall voids where they are harder to address. If you don't have bed bugs yet, it is essential that you recognize the futility of using pest-proofing and exterior pest control to keep these bugs out of your home. They are hitchhiking pests.
Bed Bug Control Tips For Jacksonville Homeowners
Now you have some valuable facts to help you address a bed bug infestation. Let's use what we've talked about to help you consider how you might use natural pest control for bed bugs. These tips require no specialized knowledge of control products and safety protocols.
- Inspect your home, starting with areas bed bugs are most likely to hide. Bed bugs stay near a food source. They can bite you while you sleep. They may also bite you while you're awake, so check couches and chairs as well. Check every tight space and every dark void.
- Use a vacuum to suck bed bugs up if you find them. If you lift a bed and see a dozen bed bugs huddled in a tiny spot, you may suck them up in an instant and be done with your infestation. Be sure to put the vacuum bag outdoors afterward.
- While working to address a bed bug infestation, vacuum routinely to remove any insects hiding in carpets. Use the crack and crevice attachment along cracks, seams, and inside pockets as well.
- Consider all the places bed bugs hide, such as luggage, duffel bags, book bags, and pocketbooks. Use extreme cold or heat to treat the items. If you are unable to treat them, store them outside in a plastic bag that is clearly marked with a warning.
It takes diligence to prevent a bed bug infestation and a systematic application of natural control methods to locate, remove, and eliminate them. Focus your efforts near beds, couches, chairs, and where laundry is stored. If bed bugs have not yet spread, you may catch them and remove them before they do.
How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In Your Home For Good
The best solution to make sure all the bugs in your home are eliminated and to give yourself the best hope of avoiding continual infestation is to contact a licensed home pest control professional for advice and control options. We use a two-part process to get rid of bed bugs for good. The first is to effectively remove the bed bugs from your home. While you have many options to address bed bugs on your own, we have equipment and specialized knowledge to apply materials and control methods that completely address infestations. We will work the problem with science-based solutions. The second part of the process is professional advice. We evaluate your problem and share with you some of the ways you may have become vulnerable to a bed bug infestation. These insights are specific to your home and family. Once geared with this knowledge, you can take a more active approach to keeping bed bugs out. Let's look at how this works.
How To Prevent Future Bed Bugs Infestations
Your bed bug treatment is only the first step to stopping bed bugs for good. Ongoing prevention is needed if you want to avoid having to contact Jacksonville pest control. Here are some suggestions we may provide:
- Always perform an inspection when staying somewhere away from home. Look for black feces, dried blood stains, white eggs, shed skins, and tiny insects.
- Always protect your luggage and clothing. Bed bugs are drawn to the scent of humans. Consider using a plastic bag and a bread tie to guard your laundry items, and store luggage high.
- Always wash and dry your clothing when you get home. Soapy water dries bed bugs out, and heat eliminates bed bugs.
- Always check used items you purchase.
While ongoing pest control service from Wildlife and Pest Control Experts can keep many pests out of your Jacksonville home, bed bugs are somewhat unique. But that doesn't mean we can't help. If you have year-round service for your home, you have access to a pest professional with knowledge of your home and family. We can get over to your home quickly and address your infestation fast.
If you'd like to learn more, consider calling us. We're here to guide you toward the pest control solutions that work best for you and your lifestyle.