Bat Identification & Prevention
Frequently Asked Questions About Bats
Removing bats from your property is essential to avoid the health and safety dangers that bat infestations present in your home or business.
What are bats?
Bats are small flying mammals well-known by many individuals for their nocturnal activities, large wings, and smaller fur-covered torsos. There are many species of bats, and the fur on these critters ranges from dark brown to black. Bats have short snouts and rounded ears, and they utilize echolocation in addition to their well-developed eyesight to see and hunt food.
Many people may find bats scary critters to encounter, but they are generally non-aggressive and avoid direct contact with humans as much as possible.
Are bats dangerous?
Bats do carry several diseases, and infestations can be quite dangerous as a result. As bats nest around your property, they leave behind droppings and urine. Bat droppings, or guano, can transmit histoplasmosis, and a large infestation of bats only increases your chances of illness. They may also trigger allergic reactions, asthma issues, and respiratory problems among certain individuals, especially if an infestation is allowed to grow unchecked.
Bats are also known carriers of rabies. Being attacked, bitten, or scratched by a bat might have serious consequences. Because of the possible results, you must follow up with immediate medical attention after any direct encounter with bats.
Why do I have a bat problem?
Bats commonly gravitate to properties with abundant food, water, and shelter within easy access. For bats, their preferred food source consists of various insects. If you have a pest prey problem on your property, cracks or gaps that allow bats to access your attic or outbuildings, along with moisture issues, you will likely perpetuate a bat problem.
Where will I find bats?
Bats are nocturnal creatures and typically sleep in high-up areas during the day. In most cases, bats will be in attics, along openings near roofs, or around utility areas. Outdoors, you may see bats around outbuildings, barns, or garages.
How do I get rid of bats?
The best way to get rid of bats is to avoid DIY bat control products and methods and invest in professional bat control from Wildlife and Pest Control Experts instead. Our bat control specialists will help identify bat problem areas on your property and provide expert removal services to eliminate all traces of these pests from your property. However, we cannot exclude bats between April 16 and August 14 in our area due to legal restrictions during the bat maternity season.
Contact us now for more information or a free estimate.
How can I prevent bats?
In addition to professional bat removal, continue bat mitigation around your property by following our prevention tips:
- Seal entry points into attics, garages, barns, and other outbuildings to stop bats from invading by patching up holes in roof tiles, placing mesh screens over openings or gaps where possible, and caulking cracks around utility areas, windows, and doors.
- Address insect pest prey issues with the assistance of Wildlife and Pest Control Experts, as insect prey on your property may encourage a bat infestation.
- Cut back overhanging branches, overgrown foliage, and long grass that may attract the insects bats love or encourage bats to hide on your property.
- Utilize mothballs around interior areas along with the scents of cinnamon and eucalyptus to deter bats from invading and nesting.
- Install objects that reflect light, such as aluminum foil, around the siding of your property to scare away bats.
Contact our bat and wildlife exclusion specialists at Wildlife and Pest Control Experts for more bat control advice or assistance.