Surinam Cockroach Identification & Prevention
Frequently Asked Questions About Surinam Cockroaches
What are Surinam cockroaches?
Surinam cockroaches are less common than many other cockroaches that have adapted to living indoors with people. A few physical characteristics that help to identify this species of cockroach include:
- Small size, adults measure in length up to one inch
- Dark brown or shiny black color
- Olive or brown wings that are almost transparent
- Stout, oval body
- Shield-like cover over their head
The most unique fact about these cockroaches is that the females reproduce asexually. They create new Surinam cockroaches through a process called parthenogenesis; they do not require a male to reproduce.
Are Surinam cockroaches dangerous?
Surinam cockroaches primarily live outside and are not as big of a direct threat to people as other cockroaches. The biggest concern with these cockroaches is that if their outdoor habitats support their needs, their populations can quickly grow and take over. Additionally, if large numbers of these pests are near your home, their chance of getting inside dramatically increases.
Like other cockroaches, when they get into our homes, Surinam cockroaches pose health risks to people. They spread bacteria, contaminate food, and trigger allergies and asthma attacks. Keeping these pests outside and away from your Jacksonville home is always best.
Why do I have a Surinam cockroach problem?
Surinam cockroaches are atype of cockroach that thrives in Florida and other southern states in the United States. These cockroaches have an affinity for warm, humid climates and live successfully in and around Jacksonville.
They quickly become unwanted pests when they find their way to outdoor spaces surrounding our homes. While these pests do prefer to live outside, when living near our houses, they can get inside and cause problems.
The most common way these pests enter our homes is through hitchhiking. Homeowners accidentally introduce them indoors on potted plants or other items that have been outside and brought inside.
Where will I find Surinam cockroaches?
In Jacksonville, some of the most common places to find Surinam cockroaches include:
- Greenhouses
- Gardens
- Flower beds
- Rock piles
- Leaf piles
These cockroaches are burrowers and live anywhere that offers them damp soil to call home and easy access to food sources. Their preferred food sources come from decaying organic matter. These cockroaches play an important role in the ecosystem and help break down and eliminate decomposing plant matter. Despite their helpfulness, they are a pest when they take over our yards, and you need to take action to eliminate them.
How do I get rid of Surinam cockroaches?
The easiest and most effective way to get rid of Surinam cockroaches is with the assistance of a local pest control professional. At Wildlife and Pest Control Experts, we are here to help you accurately identify your pest problems and perform the comprehensive cockroach control and treatments necessary to remove them. Call today and speak with one of our friendly experts for a free estimate. We are here to provide you with the best pest control near you.
How can I prevent Surinam cockroaches in the future?
In conjunction with professional pest control services, use these tips to help keep Surinam cockroaches from finding their way to your Jacksonville home:
- Regularly inspect garden beds and areas with mulch for signs of cockroaches.
- Build greenhouses away from your home.
- Make sure your yard is adequately irrigated and has good drainage.
- Ensure gutters and downspouts are working and directing rainwater away from the outside of your home.
- Inspect your home’s exterior and seal any cracks or gaps you discover under doors, around windows, or in the foundation.
For exceptional cockroach control in Jacksonville, reach out today.