Many different types of pests in Florida will find their way into our Jacksonville yards. Some of these pests don’t require immediate action, while others do because they put your home or family at risk. The hornet is one pest we should never share our yards or houses with.
These flying, outdoor pests are hard to control and prevent. The best way to manage a hornet problem and avoid their future return is to work with a local pest control professional. For exceptional hornet control in Jacksonville, turn to the professionals at Wildlife and Pest Control Experts.
It is also beneficial to learn about their behaviors, potential health issues, and some easy-to-execute prevention tips. Read here to learn helpful information about hornets.
Hornet Identification Tips: Behaviors To Help You Identify Hornets
When insects that sting are swarming around your property, darting to and from your property’s gardens, trash cans, and trees, it can be challenging to identify the species. One of the best ways to identify hornets is by their size. Hornets are typically one of the larger, more robust species of stinging insects that find their way to our properties.
Understanding hornet behavior is also helpful in identifying a problem with these pests. Hornets tend to be more aggressive and territorial than other stinging insects. They will go after any person or animal that comes too near their nest or foraging sites. If angry, stinging insects swarm you every time you try to spend time in your yard; it is likely hornets that have found their way to your property.
Hornet Infestations: Potential Health Risks
Sharing your yard with large stinging insects like hornets isn’t a simple annoyance; a hornet infestation poses serious risks to you and your family. Hornets have smooth stingers, allowing them to sting their perceived threats repeatedly. Being swarmed by angry hornets is painful and can trigger serious health risks. With each sting, hornets inject venom into their victims. Their venom contains histamines that trigger allergic reactions in people and our pets.
Common symptoms of a hornet sting include a raised red welt at the sting site, localized itching and hives, and pain. If you are allergic to hornet venom or have been stung multiple times, you may experience more severe symptoms, like:
Full body hives
Tightness in the throat
Difficult breathing
Immediately reach out to a medical professional for assistance at any notice of severe symptoms after being stung. Then, call Wildlife and Pest Control Experts for the hornet pest control necessary to remove these dangerous pests.
Simple Steps To Protect Your Home: Hornet Prevention Tips
Stinging insects in Jacksonville are vital to the ecosystem. Yet, when they find their way to our yard, they are dangerous, unwanted pests that you must remove from your property.
Keep hornets away with the help of the following tips:
Make sure your property’s trashcans always have lids on them. Hornets love to scavenge for proteins and sweets in trash cans.
Keep outdoor eating and cooking areas free of leftover food and sticky spills.
Maintain gardens and fruit trees, removing fruit and vegetables that have fallen to the ground.
Keep trees, shrubs, and bushes on your property well-pruned. Overgrown shrubbery offers sheltered nesting sites that hornets will take advantage of.
Regular home pest control services are the best way to prevent issues with hornets. When professionals are regularly visiting your property, a problem with hornets will be identified sooner rather than later.
Professional Hornet Control Services: When To Call In The Experts
When it comes to stinging hornets, never hesitate to call in an expert for help. Our professionals know hornets and how to remove their nests from Jacksonville properties safely. We are committed to helping families maintain their properties through our high-quality, environmentally friendly pest control services. For the best pest control in Jacksonville, please call Wildlife and Pest Control Experts today.
Complete our online form to schedule your no-obligation inspection!